The Complete STUDS Guide to Ear Piercing Aftercare

Congrats Stud, you've just been pierced! And so what happens now?

The Complete STUDS Guide to Ear Piercing Aftercare

Taking proper care of your piercing and doing your aftercare diligently is fundamental for optimal healing. Read through this guide to learn all well-nigh how to take intendance of your new piercing and what to expect during the healing process:

How long volition my piercing have to heal?

While healing times can vary for everyone, it's dependent on factors such as your overall health, sleep and stress levels, and your aftercare regimen.

Typically, ear lobe piercings take around 4-half dozen months, while upper or inner ear piercings take betwixt 6-12+ months to fully heal.

Yous'll know your ear is healed one time any discharge, swelling, redness, flaking, or soreness stops. In full general, your piercing should keep to feel amend with time and a consistent aftercare routine!

Recommended Downsize Time Frames*:
*Tissue heals from the outside in. During the initial healing period, your piercing may feel fine on the outside, simply the interior may still be healing. While your piercing may be ready for a downsize, information technology does not mean it has fully healed and you lot should not be switching over to hoops or fashion jewelry just yet!

Lobe: ii-3 months
Stacked Lobes: 2-3 months
Upper Lobe: two-3 months
Snakebite Midi: iii-4 months
Helix: 3-4 months
Flat Helix: 3-iv months
Forrad Helix: 3-4 months
Conch: 3-4 months
Tragus: 3-four months
Anti-Tragus: 3-iv months
Rook: 3-4 months
Daith: three-4 months
Industrial: four-v months

Total Healing Time Frames*:
*Your piercing is fully healed, both on the outside and the inside. *At this signal, y'all may change your jewelry to hoops and way styles of jewelry.

Lobe: 4-half dozen+ months
Stacked Lobes: 4-6+ months
Upper Lobe: four-6+ months
Snakebite Midi: 6-9+ months
Helix: half dozen-9+ months
Apartment Helix: 6-9+ months
Frontwards Helix: half dozen-nine+ months
Conch: six-nine+ months
Tragus: 6-9+ months
Anti-Tragus: eight months - 12+ months
Rook: 8 months - 12+ months
Daith: 8 months - 12+ months
Industrial: eight months - 12+ months

How should I clean my piercing?

  1. Prior to cleaning your new piercing, thoroughly wash your hands. Other than to clean your piercing, avoid touching it as much as possible—practice NOT rotate or twist.
  2. Spray the front and back of your piercing with sterile saline solution, 2 to three times a day. For certain piercings, information technology may be easier to apply using a make clean non-woven gauze saturated with saline solution. If your piercer suggests using soap, gently lather around the piercing and rinse as needed. Avert using harsh soaps, or soaps with dyes or fragrances.
  3. Rinse the pierced sites (forepart and dorsum) and surrounding surface area with water as needed to remove cleaning solution residuum. Moving or rotating jewelry is non necessary during cleaning or rinsing.
  4. Dry the surface area by gently patting with make clean, disposable paper products. Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry causing injury!

Pro Tips:

  • Do not employ cotton swabs/pads, as the fibers can go defenseless nether your jewelry and irritate your piercing. We recommend using non-woven gauze or spraying saline directly onto the forepart and back of your piercing!
  • Exercise during healing is fine; heed to your torso. We recommend avoiding contact sports that may potentially cause your piercing to become bumped around.
  • Make sure your bedding is washed and inverse regularly. Article of clothing clean, comfortable, breathable wearable that protects your piercing while yous are sleeping.
  • Try your best to avoid sleeping directly on your fresh piercing(s). (Pro Tip: Use a travel pillow and place your ear in the middle hole of the pillow when laying down on your side.)
  • Stay dry(ish). Avert submerging your new piercing in water such equally pools, baths, and oceans! Showering is fine, just remember to go on your piercing make clean, and rinse thoroughly of whatever residual soap.

  • Later the initial healing time frame, it is important for the health of your piercing that you lot pop back into a Studs studio to have i of our piercers check your healing condition and down-size the length of your postal service if it's ready. Volume your complimentary checkup appointment hither !

What is normal during a piercing's healing procedure?

During the starting time few weeks, some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, and/or bruising is expected. Throughout your healing process, y'all may also observe some discoloration, itching, and the secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (non pus) that will class some crust on the jewelry—this is also normal! The tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals. Once your piercing is healed, the jewelry may not move freely in the piercing; do not forcefulness it!

If you don't stick to a regular cleaning regimen for your piercing, some body secretions may accrue with a faint smell. This is normal, and we recommend including cleaning every bit office of your daily hygiene routine.

It's important to know that a piercing might seem healed before the healing procedure is complete. This is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it feels fine, the interior remains fragile. The key is to be patient, and keep cleaning throughout the entire initial healing menstruum.

If you remove your piercing jewelry, information technology's possible that your piercing may shrink or close in minutes! This varies from person to person, and we recommend keeping your piercing jewelry in until it is fully healed.

If you lot have whatever questions virtually your piercing, you're always welcome to come up dorsum into one of our Studs studios to take a piercer check upwards on your healing process. Just attain out to united states at or book a check up hither .

**If you experience whatever aberrant symptoms exterior of those listed in a higher place, we recommend checking in with your medico.