
Increase By A Factor Of

  • #5

First I want to say that I've asked the exact same qestion in the by, simply I tin can't detect the thread.

So my question is :

"The rate increased by a cistron of ten"

the factors of 10 are 1,ii,5,10, right ?

Every bit I remember the explanation was that the charge per unit is multiplied by 10.

Only as I empathise the rate increased by i of the factors of 10, I hateful by 1,two,5,x.

Mod note: roniy's thread has now been merged with an earlier one on the aforementioned question.

How practice you understand this sentence ?

Thank you.

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  • #10

Your interpretation is correct. And I hold that the statement seems hard to believe.


  • #xiii

I've but read a text in an English coursebook and I accept difficulty in understanding the expression in bold following phrase:
"if you had to cout all the cells in your body, the vast majority - by a factor of ten - would be microbes"
Anything would assist :)

Mod note: this thread has now been merged with an earlier i on the aforementioned question.

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  • #17

"if you lot had to count all the cells in your body, the vast majority - past a factor of x - would exist microbes"

It seems pretty articulate from this that the speaker/author considers both human being cells and microbes to exist "cells".

No, the microbes are beingness counted among the cells. "By a factor of ten" does mean "ten times as many" or a ratio of 10-1. The argument implies that 10 out of xi cells "in your body" are microbes, which is an incredible statement as it stands, but we're not here to discuss biological science.

I would concord with this if you inverse the first word from No to Yes!

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  • #xix

"No" referred to counting "cells" vs. "microbes." The author isn't making divide counts of cells and microbes, but he is proverb that 10 of 11 cells are microbes; the other 1 cell in 11 is something else, presumably a human body prison cell.

Some of these microbes are essential to our existance... Shouldn't nosotros consider them every bit role of our body?

Nosotros should count them! :D Are they whatsoever differrent to white blood cells for example? They are "just floating arround inside us".


Initiative enquiry. :cool:


  • #xx

The author isn't making divide counts of cells and microbes, but he is saying that 10 of 11 cells are microbes; the other 1 cell in 11 is something else, presumably a human being body cell.

How can he not exist basing the statement on separate counts if he ends upwardly with a ratio of 10 to i? There can only be "microbes" and "body cells" in the category " all the cells in your body"

  • #22

Aye, past a factor of 30 means multiplied past 30.
In this case, it means that one person can accept 30 times the specified brain activity of another person.


  • #23

Mod note: rzezucha'southward thread has at present been merged with some earlier threads on the aforementioned question.

  • #25

It seems non correct to me.

Nor me. "Once it will age by a factor of x" does non brand sense. It should be "one time it ages by a factor of ten" or "once it will have aged past a factor of 10".
Better withal, "Once the universe reaches ten times its current age".


  • #29

This is from the poorly-edited blog department of the Scientific American - NOT the edited magazine itself. Many times, NA has asked most English found in such blog entries. In this case Abraham Loeb is the writer and he was born in Israel so may well have retained the use of future tense in such contexts in English where nosotros employ "present" tense for future events, and then post #23 seems to fix the outcome.

  • #31

What about the phrase "increased by a factor of 10 to the four" meaning "10000 times"?

I found it in a video

[Video link removed. DonnyB - moderator.]

The speaker seems to be non-native just he's a scientist.
I couldn't observe this structure anywhere else in dictionaries or on the Net.
Is it OK to use this structure?

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  • #32

Ten to the four, ten to the 4th, ten to the fourth ability are variations on how to say the term ten4 which tin can also exist written x,000.

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Increase By A Factor Of,


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