
What's Bigger 5/8 Or 1/2

How Does One Brand Letters Bigger on a Figurer?

OJO Images/Robert Daly/Stone/Getty Images

A computer user running Microsoft Windows vii or subsequently tin increase the size of screen text by opening the Control Panel, selecting the Arrange Screen Resolution option in the Appearance and Personalization category, selecting the Medium or Larger option and then selecting the Apply push button. The Medium option sets text to 125 per centum of normal size, and the Larger option sets it to 150 percent of normal size.

Another way to increase the size of text and all other onscreen objects is to change the screen resolution, which determines the clarity of onscreen content. High resolutions make the content smaller but sharper. Low resolutions brandish less content merely make information technology larger and usually easier to see. A estimator user running Microsoft Windows 7 or afterwards tin change the screen resolution by opening the Control Panel, selecting Personalization in the Appearance and Personalization category, selecting Display Settings, dragging the Resolution slider to a lower setting and then selecting the Apply button.

Computer users working on a Macintosh computer can change the screen resolution past opening the System Preferences window, selecting Displays, selecting the Brandish tab and then selecting the Scaled option to view the available resolution settings. Selecting a setting lower than the current one increases the size of objects on the screen.

What's Bigger 5/8 Or 1/2,


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